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  1. I'd like to share this site that you may find useful: https://skate-calendar.com/ There's a color-coded calendar, with competitions entries and schedule when you click on an event. But the best feature is the 'search by skater' function, that will show you all of the upcoming competitions and ice shows for the skater you search. I think it's particularly interesting for keeping up with skaters you like but don't follow religiously!
  2. Thank you for the info! I'll save money with the normal edition and spend it on one of the new mooks instead
  3. The "Shinka no Toki" blu-ray/dvd is releasing today : https://www.amazon.co.jp/【メーカー特典あり】羽生結弦「進化の時」Blu-ray(ロゴステッカー付き)-羽生結弦/dp/B07W6XRKQJ/ Can someone explain the difference between the normal vs special edition? I can see that the special edition comes with 2 small stickers, but this can't be the only thing considering the 2000 yens price difference ?
  4. Chinese commentary: SP: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av13053274 FP: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av13060149/?p=1
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