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Posts posted by hopeandlegacy2018

  1. Maybe it’s us fans’ fault that Liza was not chosen. Fed and Media like drama because it can attract fans and bring them money. Now more people will watch ladies’ worlds because they want to know how Med will do. They are prepared to stage a big show for fans, where Med is the absolute star actress. Fans care a lot more about Med than Liza, so choosing Med will please fans. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Fay said:

    Yeah, some guys at a federal TV channel believe she goes through 6 million roubles a month in Toronto at the expense of the tax payer. It translates into just below 100k bucks. LOL. Zhenya somehow manages to spend 3k bucks daily. 

    Mind you, these guys multiply 20k Zhenya is supposed to spend daily on a hotel (while she clearly rents a far cheaper apartment) by 30 days a month and get 6 mil...


    Why does that matter? She’s bringing in a lot of revenue for the Fed and for Russian skating, probably way more than what the Fed spent on her. She has the power to make a lot more money for the stakeholders of the sport than other skaters. If she’s sent to worlds, tv ratings will be higher and advertisers will be willing to spend more money.

  3. 32 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:


    This actually makes sense. In most countries, national champion qualifies for worlds no matter what. Last season at 4CC, Satoko did worse than Mai, but Satoko’s spot on the worlds team was never questioned. But Mai has no power at all, I wonder if the outcome would change if it’s a Mao vs Satoko situation. 



    “– I don’t quite understand will there be a replacement or not? After all, following the sports principle, they should not change anyone. Stanislava Konstantinova became the first after juniors at the Russian Nationals. Consider this the first place. Zagitova – the second. The only one who could have been replaced is Samodurova. But she won the European Championships, so logically neither of them should be replaced. So why start all the fuss over the Russian Cup Final? I understand that they want to make a replacement. But then the next question arises. Why do we need the Russian Nationals, if we can do everything we want?”

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