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Posts posted by hopeandlegacy2018

  1. I’m worried for Yuzu’s ankles as he plans to train all the quads. Why is he like this?


    Edge jumps are difficult but don’t get nearly as much base value sigh. (Figure skating is such an unfair sport in so many ways, no wonder it’s dying. Athletes are better off doing other sports. ) He mentioned the toe jumps have a better landing percentage. Besides the difficulty, edge jumps are also more easily affected by ice condition. Now that I think about it, when the temprature in the arena is too high, it usually affects him, like in Boston, and it happened here again in Saitama. 

    I really admire Yuzu for traning the quad loop despite its low base value. But skaters who want to win should focus on traning quad Flip and Lutz first instead of the loop and sal. Raf is a great strategist in that sense. I wonder if Yuzu regretted not focusing on training the toe jumps years ago. 



  2. 18 minutes ago, Bilge said:

    He did said Nathan is a complete skater.. huh.. okay sure


    Both Javi and Nathan belong to IMG and have SOI shows together soon again. And the Olympic Channel is a US channel. 

  3. 1 hour ago, jinxxoo said:

    One of the initial article translations said their training rink team changed them to different sessions and to use different locker rooms due to some ongoing bullying/concern, that's why I'm surprised that no one has at least looked into that on the English media side as far as I can tell, that shouldn't be that difficult to confirm.


    It seems news around the world are just translations of different parts of the Korean article. What is journalism:14066882:

  4. 1 hour ago, Anzi said:

    I have many questions about this issue, but first, why there is no record, report or witness whatsoever on Bell stop her skating or after her run through to LOOK AFTER the people she might unintentionally hurt? So she just kept it going or ignore it? I am waiting for her own accounts. 


    This issue is bizzard in many levels. I was really surprised when first heard about it. I am not a fan of either skater, so these just my thoughts as an outsider.


    Since it’s not a collision, Bell might be too concentrated to even realize her blade cut someone. When I skate, sometimes my blade feels a bit odd, but I was going too fast to look back and check what happened, so I just shake it off. It also seems like Lim left before Bell’s run-through ended. 

  5. I wonder if Lim or her parents have ever spoken to Bell or the coaching team directly about any of their concerns up front. Or did Lim’s side just keep silent about everything and suddenly drop an article accusing Bell, leaving everyone confused. We’ll probably never find out, adding to the collection of FS mysteries. 


    When skaters do their run throughs, they tend to be quite concentrated, especially before going into a jump. At least that’s the case at my rink. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

    Why would anyone want to work with someone whose agency blows something out of proportion with her own coaching team? Think about it, and apply it to your own workplace. And no, claims of racist harassment and intentional harm cannot be explained away due to cultural differences.


    Because of money? medal potential? strong connection?  Service providers don’t need to love all their clients. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

    You literally just said agency can gain, not skater... And if it turns out false, no one will want to work with Lim to save their own arses. Lim might end up doing this agency them for ending her career (there hasn't yet been an official statement from her on this I believe)  could you expound further?


    Lim did get a cut, so she is a victim nonetheless; she’s also only 16, it’s her first worlds, she’s nervous and inexperienced, and all her decisions are made by adults. Why wouldn’t people want to work with her? Even if things turn out to be false, they can explain that it’s a misunderstanding due to cultural differences and language barriers.   

  8. On 3/21/2019 at 1:02 PM, Danibellerika said:


    But why would they risk her long term development when she is at a rink where she's making good progress and yet has to return to it to train with the same person being accused of bullying her. She could get her name out there by simply skating well. 


    [Admin edit: Mean-spirited speculation of Eunsoo and her agency's motivations.]

  9. 2 hours ago, SuzyQ said:

    As Ichiro Suzuki announced his retirement, almost all expected news on figure skating has gone on TV :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:

    Is this good to calm us down?  Or, it has just contained our feeling for a while?

    Okay, tomorrow is another day, and the day after tomorrow is another day too!  Don't ask me what I'm talking :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:





     Guess this will be the newspaper front page for tomorrow instead of KuyashiiZu or BlankZu. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, jinxxoo said:
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    They didn’t show pictures of the actual collision though. That twitter acoount is created just for this world championship? This whole twitter drama seems to be staged and planned. Why can’t the agency wait till after the competition? To get more attention? 

    And it seems that a lot of fanyus are affected by this also.  I hope the men’s competition won’t be affected. 

  11. This is a New York Times article back in 2009 that mentioned Yuna Kim’s warm up incident. Wonder how the media will approach the issue this time. 




    “At Four Continents, when she suggested that Japanese skaters intentionally stymied her warm-ups, her fans rallied to her defense. The Japan Skating Federation said there was no intentional obstruction. But Kim’s compatriots steamed.”


    Yuna took gold and Mao took bronze in that competition. 

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