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  1. I was wondering if anyone had a copy of the NNN show from 180114 with English subtitles. I have the original video but was looking for a translation mainly when Yuzuru talks about the editing of the Seimei music. If there are any other videos of that with English subtitles I would take that as well. Also I know there is video of him in the car talking about the music as well so I would also be interested if there are any English subtitled videos of that.
  2. Thanks. I think that may be part of it. I was really interested in the translation of when Yuzuru and Shoma were talking to each other while waking in the halls.
  3. Does anyone have a downloaded copy of the video “[ENG SUB] 191222 Hanyu Yuzuru Japanese Nationals S-Park Segment“ with the English subtitles downloaded that would be willing to share it with me? It was on YouTube but was pulled before I could download it.
  4. Does anyone have a downloaded copy of the video “[ENG SUB] 191222 Hanyu Yuzuru Japanese Nationals S-Park Segment“ with the English subtitles downloaded that would be willing to share it with me? It was on YouTube but was pulled before I could download it.
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