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Posts posted by Whee1000

  1. 3 hours ago, SuperMin said:

    This is kind of sad.  A groupon sale for 4CC for front row seats.  I bet they are wishing Yuzu makes a surprise show.




    I know. It's irritating. (The reduced prices, not Yuzu.)

    Although actually, it's great if more people can experience seeing skating live.

    I'm starting to hope Yuzu goes just to see how fast those tickets are yanked from Groupon and priced at $200 each. 


  2. 2 hours ago, SuperMin said:

    If I saw this at a train station, I would totally miss my train....



    Yuzuru was the best looking thing on ice that day - eye-catching, lithe, supremely skillful,  with cool choreography and charisma in spades.  Aesthetically, he was a dream.

    No doubt he has matured so much, but when I see this I see  I understand how he could become such a heartthrob/ideal.  

    PS:  This is just appreciation, don't send me to the Church. lol

  3. @SombreuilIs that the tree in your home? Looks like a scene out of a Victorian book about Christmas (I am conveniently not seeing the electric lights.)


    Everyone's baked goods and other food items are making me hungry. I don't do much cooking around Christmas because I do the cooking at Thanksgiving. 


    @Figure_FrenzyAfter reading about all the good food, you probably had mental indigestion. That's why you had that weird dream. 



  4. 21 hours ago, LeadenMyr said:

    Pretty much! There's also lots of alcohol drinking involved, so it's become a bit of a joke, this marathon. Like if you say you're doing the Guadalupe reyes people expect you to be drunk all holidays, nonstop 


    That does sound like a nice tradition! What's your profession? 


    I have seen osechi in some movies and anime and such, but I've always wondered where did the idea come from, or its meaning, would you be son kind to please explain it? And also, what are the most traditional dishes and your favorite? Thank you! 

    My family  immigrated from Japan a long time ago but we still make some of the osechi for New Year's. I think the idea is to make highly seasoned foods that don't need refrigeration in enough quantity so that you don't have to cook for 3 days. (I think in Japan they take the first 3 days of the new year off, but here in the US it's right back to work. ) So some things that we prepare are mochi, kuromame (sweetened black beans, i think they are for happiness?), kazunoko (herring fish eggs, supposed to be for fertility?),  simmered vegetables like bamboo shoots, lotus root, burdock root. There were a lot more dishes when I was growing up but as the older generations pass away, there are fewer people who know how to make those special dishes here in the US.   I am sure @sweetwater or other Japanese folks on this site can tell you more about what osechi is currently like in Japan and its history. 

    :mischief: I wonder if Yuzu likes osechi.... LOL

  5. 11 hours ago, LeadenMyr said:

    Funnnnn topic

    In Mexico we have a series of fun things starting tomorrow (Dec 12), tomorrow is the Day of the Holy Virgin and it marks the start of the holidays, there are some traditional parties with piñata smashing and something like carol singing and lots and lots of food and drink, with a special fruit punch and lots of fruit! 

    Then comes Christmas with some traditional dishes as well (that I personally don't like), romeritos and bacalao, and some stuffed turkey too, usually. For my family it means a big dinner and gathering, with gift exchanging and opening at night.

    Then comes New Year's, that I know of we don't have anything like traditional cleaning those days? But I might be very badly informed, lol. It's a day for another dinner with the family, usually, and there's the eating grapes and making new year's resolutions at 12:00 AM.

    Then on January 6th it's the...Three Wise Men's Day? Like the guys that bring Jesus the gifts? So there's another round of gifts! And we eat a sort of bread ring that tastes awesome and there's small figurines shaped like baby Jesus inside, and if you get one in your slice of bread you have to buy everyone tamales on February the 2nd.

    Thus ends the Guadalupe - Reyes (Virgin-Wise Men) marathon!

    It sounds like a month and a half of eating!  :hihi:






  6. @Figure_Frenzy what is a Christmas market? Food market? Gifts? Obviously I have never experienced one. Sounds festive!

    @ralucutzagy I would never in a hundred years associate turkey steak, Romania and New Years Eve. 

    @MurieleirumGood luck avoiding eating lots of sweets! I think it’s impossible this time of year.

    @rockstaryuzuYour family gathering sounds like a lot of fun. What sort of dessert do you warm up? All I can think of is a pie?


    thanks for replying!

    :idk:*so many interesting things...



  7. Since we have such an international gathering here, I was wondering what people are doing/have planned for the holidays? (New Year's, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, etc). Also, maybe some people may not mark any particular holidays, but may have certain traditions (national or personal) they like to do at this time of the year. 


    I live in  "We embrace all food" California, so around Christmas a lot of people I know have  ham, roast, and tamales. Chinese food is popular for those who do not observe Christmas.

    For new year's at our house we make some traditional Japanese "osechi" dishes, plus BBQ chicken and fried shrimp.  Also, we are supposed to clean our living spaces very well for the New Year  but I manage to vacuum and change the sheets . LOL  And I like to start a new pocket planner for the new year (personal tradition). 


    :gla: So...what do you do?


  8. 42 minutes ago, Fay said:

    Inna Goncharenko about Yuzuru: 



    Question: The absence of Yuzuru Hanyu might make the others think that it’ll be easier now?

    Goncharenko: the absence of the leader might lead to others bombing. When everyone’s competing, everyone’s more focused. The healthy Hanyu would have been a hot favourite. His programs aren’t well practised right now, at the start of the season, but seeing them is like seeing Mona Lisa. He’s truly dedicated himself to FS, and he’s a real pro in every aspect. It’s so regretful he’s been injured. I wish him a quick recovery and come back to the competition.

    That's an interesting thought.  As Yuzuru is injured,  I wonder if Javi was still competing if that would help to focus everyone more. It is only my personal opinion but Yuzuru, Javi, Patrick- they seemed to bring a bit of gravitas. Like when the senior members of your work group walk in and you think, "Ok, now we're going to get down to business."   


    Javi needs to forget this retirement plan. LOL 



  9. 14 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    @PoohandYuzu Thanks for sharing your story! So wonderful that you could visit the shrine.


    I have one more: if it wasn't for Yuzu, I wouldn't have been able to keep my mother entertained today while she recovers from having a lumpectomy. Because I've shown her some of Yuzu's videos, she's now interested enough in figure skating that we could watch the IdF Men's SP livestream together. 


    However, none of the skaters competing today impress her the way Yuzu does. :9:

    Does she like to discuss the costumes? That could keep her engrossed for days! (Please encourage her to join Team UA, exercise gear never looked so otherworldly.) lol


  10. On 11/23/2018 at 2:17 AM, BWOZWaltz said:

    Yuzu in Japan (Tokyo/Sendai)...




    I know the diagnosis will be out soon and am difficult to be calm so I wanted to post something to cheer up. Also, while he's in Japan, I just want him to have as much fun as possible. The video is old but is one of my favourite Yuzu v food :D Watching Yuzu eating food makes me so happy :img_20: must be my maternal instinct:68468287: so eat up bby!! He will need to have good amount of protein for injury recovery (in this video, there are 3 different types of protein - egg/meat, tofu/soy and fish). He said 「卵かけご飯マジで幸せ」"Tamago kake gohan (TKG) maji de shiawase" - (Eating) TKG makes me really happy. He also said 至福 (the happiest). Nom nom nom...:10636614:


    Now I’m hungry! I could eat everything on that tray. I don’t know where he went to eat, but I would be a frequent and happy customer. Thank you for posting this oldie but goodie.

  11. 11 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

    Don't be shy, share yours! (If you have one). 

    Challenge accepted! lol

    I will be attending my first live skating event next year! In fact, I think it might be the first time seeing a live  professionally organized sporting event EVER.

    Also, I admire Mr. Hanyu's discipline...sometimes I don't want to get off the couch and I think, "If Yuzu can skate on an injured ankle, surely I can go put clothes in the washer."

    Yuzu...helping to get housework done all over the world. LOL




  12. On 10/31/2018 at 5:55 AM, KoshiePooh said:

    Luckily, ever since my recent move to Japan for work as an ALT, my Japanese is slowly coming back to me

    I was an ALT back in the stone ages. Enjoy your stay, it can be a lot of fun!

  13. 12 hours ago, caterpillar said:

    This is really off topic and I didn’t know where to post it, but it made me really happy so I wanted to share it. (If this is the wrong thread I’m really sorry!)


    Anyway, my mum used to watch figure skating back when Katarina Witt was competing, but hasn’t been interested since then and was actually really against me going to Finland to watch GP Helsinki live. Because of this I didn’t tell her too much about the skating aspect of the trip at first, but today she suddenly asked me if I could show her some of the performances I had seen there. 


    So I showed her some of the skates I liked, and when we came to Otoñal her first comment was “Well, there’s not many male genes in him”, which I just sort of rolled my eyes at (I was too tired to discuss gender stereotypes and/or how genetics actually works). 


    But then she was quiet for the rest of the performance, and at the end she suddenly said: “You know, figure skating is more beautiful than dancing. It has a flow that dancing can never get. But only if it’s done well, and that’s the difference between him and the others. They were waving their arms around between jumps; he’s actually dancing.” 


    While I really like some of “the others” as well, it felt as if watching this performance she finally saw something of what I see in Yuzu’s skating. It felt like she got me a little bit, and understood why this is important to me. 


    (She also refused to believe that Yuzu’s Salchow was a quad and not a double until I went back and showed her frame by frame, which says a lot about the extraordinary quality of that jump.)

    That’s really a nice story to tell us. I am glad your mom appreciated his skating, and maybe she will start to follow the sport again!

  14. On 11/5/2018 at 2:03 AM, LeadenMyr said:

    It just dawned on me that it's highly unlikely I'll ever see Yuzu live and I'm sad. 

    Sorry, I just needed to let it out.

    Love you guys.

    I don't know what the chances are that he will be at 4CC, but Anaheim, California is much closer than Europe or Montreal....let's hope he will show up there. 

  15. 33 minutes ago, sweetwater said:


    The last part of the summary shared on twitter is a bit different from what Brian wrote.

    The part in boldface is not what Yuzu actually said but what Brian felt that it was Yuzu's message. And Brian decided to go through anything with Yuzu until Olympics not knowing how tough the actual Olympic season for them would be.

    I bought a copy of this book several hours ago and can't wait to read it reading other fans' impressions. Not like Aoi Honoo, this book must have an English manuscript since Brian is the author. Hope Kodansha (publisher) considers publishing the English version too.


    29 minutes ago, makebelieveup said:


    Yeah that doesnt sound like something Yuzu would know how to say. it sounds too native?


    My Japanese is very (very very very) weak but I am wondering if the term was "shikkari shite", which can mean something like "keep going, keep it up," as well as "pull yourself together."  (Maybe I'm using the term wrong, but when my relatives are moping about I tell them "shikkari shite!")

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