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  3. The credits video on youtube has currently 612.372 views. [NEWS] This was a wonderful show. Thank you Yuzu.
  4. Watching the show - he certainly was on fire on that day. I envy the Fanyus who have been able to see the show live!
  5. Unfortunately, because of technical difficulties on the streamer's service I use for recording ice shows, RE_PRAY Yokohama Day 1 will be uploaded without the last 20 minutes or so... 😭😵‍💫🙈 I'm sorry, I'll try to find a solution, but it'll have to wait a couple of days, I think
  6. Yuzu time on the weekend Some clips from today's broadcast (day 1) [NEWS]
  7. I love that the boys were into the music, too. Some little girls crying when they were going to leave. "Don't cry." I know that they have to perform in lots of places, but generally with kids who are at least teenagers. This is so sweet, and so easy to see how the members enjoyed it.
  8. Today I learned that Young Forever was RM's debut as a producer. 🥰
  9. Yesterday
  10. I am hopeful for subtitls - Yuzu knows all about us international fans now, and has worked to make access better for us with both GIFT and RE_PRAY. But even if they aren't there, I'm buying!
  11. First thought:...... .....second thought: ....we will get it how?.....and let it please be all subbed
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